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GRE Word Meanings Alphabetically

  • Abate - Verb - Reduce in intensity.
  • Abeyance - Noun - State of inactivity; disuse.
  • Abjure - Verb - Renounce; swear to refrain from something.
  • Abraded - Verb - Worn away; eroded [abrade (v); abrasion (n)].
  • Abrasion - Noun - 1. Damage to skin caused by scraping; 2. Process of scraping or rubbing [abrade (v)].
  • Abscission - Noun - Cutting; process causing leaves to fall off.
  • Abut - Verb - To adjoin.
  • Abysmal - Adjective - Very deep; very bad.
  • Accretion - Noun - Accumulation of matter; growth produced by adding from the outside.
  • Acolyte - Noun - Disciple; follower or attendant.
  • Admonitory - Adjective - Scolding [admonition (n)].
  • Adumbrate - Verb - Outline; indicate.
  • Agog - Adjective - Amazed; wide-eyed with enthusiasm.
  • Aisle - Noun - Corridor; passageway (esp. Between rows of seats).
  • Allure - Verb - 1. Attraction , 2. To attract.
  • Amalgamate - Verb - Join; consolidate [amalgamation (n)].
  • Ambidextrous - Adjective - Able to use both left and right hands equally well.
  • Amortize - Verb - Pay off a debt in installments.
  • Anachronistic - Adjective - Occurring in the wrong time period [anachronism (n)].
  • Anodized - Verb - Electroplated; coated with thin layer of metal.
  • Antipathy - Noun - Hatred.
  • Aphoristic - Adjective - Expressed tersely [aphorism (n) = short statement; maxim].
  • Apposite - Adjective - Fitting; suitable.
  • Approbation - Noun - Approval.
  • Arduous - Adjective - Hard.
  • Aroboreal - Adjective - Living in trees; concerned with trees.
  • Arresting - Adjective - Attracting attention; striking .
  • Arson - Noun - Deliberate, criminal starting of fires.
  • Artless - Adjective - Without effort; without trickery; simple.
  • Asperity - Noun - Using harsh or critical tone.
  • Assay - Verb - 1. Try; 2. Assess purity.
  • Atonement - Noun - Making amends for sin or crime [atone (v)].
  • Augury - Noun - Prediction, looking for omens [auger (v)].
  • Avaricious - Adjective - Greedy for money.
  • Aver - Verb - Affirm.
  • Baleful - Adjective - Evil.
  • Balm - Noun - Soothing ointment or anything soothing [balmy (a)].
  • Barrage - Noun - Extended gunfire to cover an attack; dam across river; deluge or information etc.
  • Bent - Noun - Inclination; aptitude.
  • Blandishment - Noun - Words used to coax or flatter [blandish (v)].
  • Blowhard - Noun - Boastful person.
  • Boor - Noun - Ill-mannered person [boorish (a)].
  • Boycott - Verb - Refuse to have dealings with.
  • Brook - Noun - 1. Small stream; 2. Tolerate.
  • Burlesque - Noun - 1. Comic play; 2. Lampoon.
  • Cadge - Verb - Get by begging.
  • Calibrate - Verb - Mark an accurate scale on a device.
  • Canonical - Adjective - Orthodox [canon (n) = set of accepted works].
  • Caprices - Noun - Whimsies; fancies.
  • Cardinal - Adjective - 1. High ranking church official; 2. Major, important.
  • Caret - Noun - Punctuation mark signifying omission.
  • Carrion - Noun - Dead flesh; carcasses.
  • Cataclysmic - Noun - Violently disruptive [cataclysm (n)].
  • Caulk - Verb - Treat with substance such as tar to make water-tight.
  • Centrifuge - Noun - Device to separate substances by spinning them at high speed.
  • Contiguous - Adjective - Adjacent; touching; abutting [contiguity (n)].
  • Culpability - Adjective - Guilt [culpable = blameworthy].
  • Chantey - Noun - Type of song sung by sailors .
  • Chauvinist - Noun - Someone excessively patriotic [chauvinism (n)].
  • Chorales - Adjective - Simple hymns.
  • Chronic - Adjective - Long lasting (often used for diseases in which case the opposite is acute).
  • Churlishness - Adjective - Rudeness; ill-mannered behavior.
  • Cloistered - Adjective - Isolated.
  • Cloture - Noun - Closure; terminating a debate by voting .
  • Coerce - Verb - Force [coercion (n); coercing (a)].
  • Cognitive - Adjective - Concerned with thinking or perceiving [cognition (n)].
  • Colander - Noun - Bowl with holes used to drain vegetables etc.
  • Combersome - Adjective - Bulky; difficult to carry [encumber = to burden].
  • Comeliness - Adjective - Beauty; prettiness [comely (a)].
  • Commensurate - Adjective - Equal in significance.
  • Complaisance - Noun - Flexibility; willingness to please [complaisant (a)].
  • Compromised - Verb - 1. Damaged or put in doubt (esp. Of reputation); 2. Reached an agreement by giving up part of a claim.
  • Condescension - Noun - Talking down to someone [condescending (a)].
  • Congruent - Adjective - Matching [congruency (n)].
  • Conscript - Noun - 1. Person enlisted compulsorily into the armed forces; 2. (v) to enlist compulsorily.
  • Consternation - Noun - Worry and concern.
  • Contentious - Adjective - Causing argument [contention (n); contend (v)].
  • Cornucopia - Noun - Symbol (horn filled with fruit etc.) Denoting natural abundance.
  • Corroborate - Verb - Give supporting evidence [corroboration (n)].
  • Coterie - Noun - Clique; small group with common interests.
  • Curmudgeon - Noun - Grumpy person.
  • Daguerreotype - Noun - Forerunner of the photograph.
  • Dally - Verb - Waste time; flirt.
  • Damp - Verb - (used of vibration) reduce in extent.
  • Debacle - Noun - Disaster .
  • Debilitating - Verb - Weakening [debilitate (v)].
  • Decimated - Verb - Kill or destroy a large part of (originally one tenth).
  • Deferential - Adjective - Showing respect [deference (n); defer (v)].
  • Deign - Verb - Condescend.
  • Delibrate - Verb - 1. Slow (a); 2. To think over (v); 3. On purpose (a).
  • Demagogue - Noun - Mob leader (who appeals to base instincts) [demagogy/demagoguery (n)].
  • Denigrate - Verb - Decry; criticize; belittle.
  • Desultory - Adjective - Aimless; inconsistent in effort.
  • Dexterity - Noun - Skill, esp. With hands [dexterous (a)].
  • Diphanous - Adjective - Transparent; thin and delicate.
  • Disabuse - Verb - Make someone aware of an error in thinking.
  • Disarm - Verb - 1. Take away weapons; 2. Win over to one's side [disarming (a)].
  • Discernment - Noun - Judgment; perceptiveness.
  • Discountenance - Verb - Disallow.
  • Discrete - Adjective - Separate; discontinuous (not to be confused with discreet - prudent; diplomatic].
  • Disingenuous - Adjective - Crafty.
  • Dissemble - Verb - Avoid the truth.
  • Dissident - Noun - Person who disagrees [dissidence (n)].
  • Dissonance - Noun - Discord; disagreement.
  • Divest - Verb - Remove; take off.
  • Doff - Verb - Take off (esp. Of a hat).
  • Don - Verb - Put on (esp. Of clothes).
  • Dormancy - Adjective - State of inactivity.
  • Dote - Verb - Be excessively fond of [doting (a)].
  • Drabness - Adjective - Dullness.
  • Eddy - Noun - Circular current.
  • Efficacy - Noun - Effectiveness.
  • Effrontery - Noun - Daring; audacity (has a negative connotation).
  • Elaborate - Adjective - 1. Complex and detailed (a); 2. To expand on (v).
  • Elegy - Noun - Poem concerned with death; praise of a dead person.
  • Emboss - Verb - Decorate with a raised design.
  • Empirical - Adjective - Found by experiment or practice.
  • Encomium - Noun - Praise.
  • Endow - Verb - Give gift; provide with money etc.
  • Engendering - Verb - Causing; bringing into being [engender (v)].
  • Enigmatic - Adjective - Puzzling [enigma (n)].
  • Enlist - Verb - 1. Sign up for the army; 2. Obtain.
  • Epaulet - Noun - Shoulder decoration.
  • Pedagogy - Noun - Science of education; teaching.
  • Epistemology - Noun - Theory of knowledge.
  • Epithet - Noun - Phrase used as a label or to express the essential nature of.
  • Equivocation - Noun - Speaking ambiguously [equivocate (v), equivocal (a)].
  • Errant - Adjective - 1. Wandering; 2. Wrong; 3. Straying from accepted standards.
  • Erudition - Noun - Learning; scholarly knowledge [erudite (a)].
  • Eschew - Verb - Shun; avoid.
  • Esoterica - Noun - Obscure details.
  • Evanescent - Adjective - Short-lived [evanescence (n)].
  • Exacerbated - Verb - Made worse [exacerbate (v); exacerbation (n)].
  • Exemplar - Noun - Model type [exemplary (a)].
  • Expatiate - Verb - Speak or write at great length.
  • Extant - Adjective - Still in existence (opposite of extinct).
  • Extemporize - Verb - Speak without preparation or rehearsal [extemporaneous (a)].
  • Extirpate - Verb - Wipe out totally.
  • Extirpation - Verb - Wiping out; complete destruction [extirpate (v)].
  • Fabricated - Verb - Made up; false; manufactured [fabricate (v); fabrication(n)].
  • Faddish - Adjective - Whimsical; following a fashion.
  • Fallacy - Noun - Wrong idea [fallacious (a)].
  • Fallow - Adjective - Uncultivated.
  • Falters - Verb - Hesitates.
  • Fawn - Noun - Behave in a sycophantic way; grovel [fawning (a)].
  • Feckless - Adjective - Feeble; helpless; lacking in initiative.
  • Feint - Verb - Pretended attack; a move intended to deceive.
  • Fervent - Adjective - Passionate.
  • Fervid - Adjective - Passionate.
  • Figurehead - Noun - Symbol of power; nominal leader.
  • Flag - Noun - 1. To lose energy; 2. To signal.
  • Flail - Noun - 1. Tool used to thresh grain; 2. To thresh (separate grain from chaff); 3. To wave arms about wildly.
  • Fledge - Verb - 1. Grow feathers; 2. Leave nest [fledgling (n) = an inexperienced person or a baby bird].
  • Foible - Noun - Quirk; minor weakness.
  • Foment - Verb - 1. Stir up; 2. Bathe with hot liquids (medical).
  • Foolhardy - Adjective - Reckless [foolhardiness (n)].
  • Foppish - Adjective - Behaving or dressing like a dandy; excessively concerned with fashion.
  • Forbearing - Adjective - Tolerant [forbear (v); forbearance (n)].
  • Fracas - Noun - Fight; disturbance.
  • Frieze - Noun - Decorative border.
  • Fringe - Noun - 1. Decorative border with tassels (n); 2. To form an edge (v).
  • Froward - Adjective - Stubborn; wayward; disobedient.
  • Fulminate - Verb - 1. Attack loudly in words; denounce thunderously; 2. Explode noisily.
  • Gaffe - Noun - Blunder; social mistake.
  • Gall - Noun - 1. Bitterness (bad feeling); 2. Confidence; 3. Abnormal growth on a plant.
  • Gavel - Noun - Judge's hammer.
  • Gerontocracy - Noun - Government by the aged.
  • Gist - Noun - Essence; main point.
  • Glib - Adjective - Slick; superficial esp. In speech.
  • Gouge - Noun - Cut or dig out.
  • Gregariousness - Noun - Sociability; liking for crowds [gregarious (a)].
  • Halcyon - Adjective - Peaceful and happy; calm (esp. Of summer weather).
  • Hawser - Noun - Thick rope or cable.
  • Hegemony - Noun - Political domination; complete authority.
  • Hetrodox - Adjective - Unorthodox.
  • Homiletics - Adjective - Art of preaching and giving sermons.
  • Homogeneity - Noun - Evenness; uniformity.
  • Hortatory - Adjective - Encouraging; exhorting.
  • Hyperbole - Noun - Exaggeration [hyperbolic (a)].
  • Idyll - Noun - Story or incident in peaceful or ideal setting [idyllic (a)].
  • Imperative - Noun - Must be obeyed.
  • Importune - Verb - Beg; solicit [importunate (a)].
  • Improbity - Noun - Lack of honesty or integrity.
  • Impugn - Verb - Challenge; question someone's honor etc.
  • Impugned - Verb - Challenged; called into question.
  • Inchoate - Adjective - Undeveloped; nascent.
  • Incise - Verb - Cut into [incision (n); incisive (a)].
  • Incubus - Noun - Encumbrance; nightmarish thing .
  • Indicted - Verb - Accused (of crime).
  • Indigent - Adjective - Poor; needy [indigence (n)].
  • Iniquitous - Adjective - Evil; unjust [iniquity (n)].
  • Intangible - Adjective - Cannot be touched; abstract [intangibility (n)] .
  • Intelligible - Adjective - Can be understood.
  • Intemperate - Adjective - Excessive; immoderate [intemperance (n)].
  • Interregnum - Noun - Interval between reigns or governments.
  • Inured - Verb - Hardened; habituated.
  • Inveigle - Verb - Coax; cajole; wheedle; entice.
  • Ironclad - Adjective - Cannot be altered; firm.
  • Jamb - Noun - Door post.
  • Jibe - Verb - Agree with; complement; match up with (in british usage jibe means mock).
  • Jockeying - Verb - Maneuvering; struggling to get ahead of others [jockey (v)].
  • Labile - Adjective - Changing rapidly; unstable.
  • Latent - Adjective - Hidden; real but undeveloped.
  • Leaven - Verb - To make light; modify; cause bread to rise using yeast etc.
  • Levee - Noun - 1. Raised bank of a river; 2. Morning reception held by a monarch.
  • Libertine - Noun - Dissolute person; prodigal.
  • Lien - Noun - Right to sell property held as a security; legal hold on job etc.
  • Limerick - Noun - Short amusing poem.
  • Limpid - Adjective - Transparently clear.
  • Lint - Noun - Fluff; soft material used to cover wounds.
  • List - Verb - 1. To lean to one side; 2. To write in order.
  • Liturgy - Noun - Form of worship.
  • Loll - Verb - Laze around; hang out (when used of the tongue).
  • Lope - Adjective - Run with long strides.
  • Luminary - Noun - Eminent person.
  • Macerate - Verb - Soften or break up by soaking; weaken.
  • Maculated - Verb - Spotted.
  • Malapropism - Noun - Use of similar sounding but incorrect word.
  • Malign - Noun - Slander.
  • Manipulative - Adjective - Scheming.
  • Maudlin - Adjective - Sad; sentimental; inclined to weep.
  • Meretricious - Adjective - Falsely attractive; tawdry.
  • Mettlesome - Adjective - Spirited [mettle (n)].
  • Milk - Verb - To squeeze; obtain by application of pressure.
  • Millinery - Noun - Hats and hat-making.
  • Minatory - Adjective - Threatening.
  • Minion - Noun - Underling; servant.
  • Minutiae - Noun - Small details.
  • Misconstrue - Verb - Put a wrong interpretation on something.
  • Modest - Adjective - 1. Bashful; unpretentious; 2. Not excessive.
  • Moralistic - Noun - Concerned with morals [moralize (v)].
  • Nascent - Adjective - Emerging; newly formed.
  • Natty - Adjective - Neat; dapper; smart.
  • Nexus - Noun - Connection.
  • Noisome - Adjective - Disgusting.
  • Nostrum - Noun - Remedy.
  • Nugatory - Adjective - Of minor significance; futile.
  • Occluded - Verb - Obscured; blocked.
  • Opprobrious - Adjective - Expressing great scorn [opprobrium (n)].
  • Orate - Verb - Speak in a pompous manner.
  • Ossified - Verb - Turned to bone; become rigid [ossification (n)].
  • Ostracism - Noun - Shunning; social isolation [ostracize (v)].
  • Paean - Noun - Praise; tribute (esp. In song).
  • Paranoia - Noun - Mental state characterized by delusions or excessive fear.
  • Parenthesis - Noun - Remarks deviating from the main point [parentheses are round brackets in punctuation].
  • Partiality - Noun - Bias.
  • Pastiche - Noun - Work (usually artistic) which imitates, or is composed of parts taken from varied sources.
  • Patronize - Verb - 1. To talk down to; condescend; 2. To be a customer of.
  • Penchant - Noun - Inclination; leaning; tendency; predilection.
  • Perennial - Adjective - Long-lasting.
  • Personification - Noun - 1. Represent something as a person; 2. A concrete example of.
  • Pertain - Verb - Be relevant to [pertinent (a)].
  • Picayune - Noun - Insignificant; of little value.
  • Plaque - Noun - 1. Surface deposit on teeth or in artery etc.; 2. Decorative plate or sign.
  • Plausibility - Adjective - Believability [plausible (a)].
  • Plodding - Adjective - Walking slowly and heavily; uninspired.
  • Pluck - Noun - Courage.
  • Plumb - Verb - Measure depth of (v); exact (a. Slang).
  • Posture (v) - Verb - To put on an act.
  • Prattle - Noun - Mindless talk.
  • Pretension - Noun - Assumed attitude of superiority; arrogance.
  • Preternatural - Adjective - Unnatural; abnormal.
  • Primordial - Adjective - Present from the beginning of time.
  • Probity - Noun - Uprightness; honesty.
  • Prohibitive - Adjective - 1. Prohibiting; 2. Exorbitantly expensive.
  • Prolixity - Adjective - Wordiness [prolix (a)].
  • Prominent - Adjective - 1. Eminent; 2. Protruding; 3. Obvious.
  • Proximate - Adjective - Immediate; nearest.
  • Prudence - Noun - Caution; wisdom.
  • Psychosis - Noun - Severe mental disturbance.
  • Pugnacious - Adjective - Aggressive, ready to fight [pugnacity (n)].
  • Puissance - Noun - Power.
  • Pundit - Noun - Expert.
  • Purist - Noun - Conservative; one who insists on correct forms of language etc..
  • Pyre - Noun - Ceremonial fire.
  • Quack - Adjective - Charlatan; fake.
  • Qualm - - Hesitation or fear.
  • Quintessential - Adjective - Most typical; the perfect example of [quintessence (n)].
  • Quisling - Noun - Traitor.
  • Quotidian - Adjective - Daily; routine.
  • Raconteur - Noun - Person who relates a story.
  • Rarefy - Verb - Make less dense [rarefaction (n)].
  • Rebus - Noun - Puzzle in which pictures give clues.
  • Recondite - Adjective - Obscure.
  • Reconnaissance - Noun - Examination or survey conducted in advance [reconnoiter (v)].
  • Recumbent - Adjective - Reclining; lying down.
  • Refulgent - Adjective - Glowing; radiant.
  • Rekindle - Verb - Relight; revive.
  • Rent - Verb - Torn (past participle of the verb to rend).
  • Repine - Verb - Fret; be discontented.
  • Reproof - Noun - Scolding; criticism [reprove (v)].
  • Resilience - Noun - Resistance; ability to spring back [resilience (a)].
  • Resuscitation - Verb - Revival from unconsciousness [resuscitate (v)].
  • Riveting - Verb - Fascinating [to rivet literally means to fix metal plates using metal pins].
  • Rue - Verb - Regret [rueful (a)].
  • Runic - Adjective - Mysterious; magical.
  • Sate - Verb - Satisfy.
  • Satiate - Adjective - Satisfy; fill completely [satiable (a); satiation (n)].
  • Savor - Verb - Enjoy.
  • Saw - Noun - 1. Tool for cutting; 2. Wise saying.
  • Score - Noun - Written form of music.
  • Scurvy - Noun - 1. Disease due to lack of vitamin c; 2. Contemptible; rascally.
  • Secure - Verb - 1. To fix firmly; 2. To obtain.
  • Sedulity - Noun - Thoroughness; perseverance [sedulous (a)].
  • Sedulous - Adjective - Persevering; eager and thorough .
  • Seine - Noun - Type of fishing net.
  • Seminal - Adjective - Essential; formative.
  • Shard - Noun - Fragment of pottery.
  • Shirk - Verb - Avoid (esp. Work).
  • Sibyl - Noun - Prophetess.
  • Sidereal - Adjective - Of or related to stars.
  • Sinecure - Noun - Job which pays salary but requiring little effort.
  • Sinewy - Adjective - Vigorous; having well-developed muscles [a sinew is a tendon].
  • Sinistral - Adjective - Left-handed (or counterclockwise) [dextral - right handed].
  • Slake - Verb - Quench; satisfy.
  • Slew - Noun - Glut; excess.
  • Solicitous - Adjective - Kindly; expressing care and concern.
  • Soliloquy - Noun - Solo speech.
  • Somatic - Adjective - Concerned with the body.
  • Statute - Noun - Law [statutory (a)].
  • Steep (v) - Verb - To soak in water.
  • Stickler - Noun - One who is strict about rules or details.
  • Stinting - Verb - Holding back; limiting the supply (of supplies/money etc.) [stint (v)].
  • Stipulate - Verb - Specify [stipulation (n)].
  • Stomach (v) - Verb - To tolerate.
  • Stygian - Adjective - Very dark.
  • Subliminal - Adjective - Below the threshold of consciousness.
  • Suborn - Verb - Bribe.
  • Supine - Adjective - Lying flat on one's back.
  • Supplicant - Noun - Person who requests or begs for something [supplicate (v)].
  • Syllogism - Noun - Type of logical reasoning.
  • Symphony - Noun - Type of musical composition.
  • Synapse - Noun - Junction between two nerve cells.
  • Syncopation - Noun - Type of musical rhythm with missed beats.
  • Table - Noun - Put down for future discussion.
  • Talon - Noun - Long pointed nail or claw.
  • Tamp - Verb - To plug; press loose matter down tightly (e.g. Pack explosives into a hole).
  • Tarnished - Verb - Made dull; spoil (reputation).
  • Taunt - Verb - Mock; tease.
  • Teetotalism - Noun - Total abstinence from alcohol.
  • Temperate - Adjective - Moderate.
  • Tempers - Noun - Moderates.
  • Tendentious - Adjective - Dogmatic; biased.
  • Tender - Verb - To offer.
  • Testiness - Adjective - Irritability; irascibility [testy (a)].
  • Throwback - Noun - Exhibiting primitive, or ancestral, traits.
  • Toady - Noun - Sycophant; flatterer.
  • Torrid - Adjective - Hot and steamy.
  • Tortuous - Adjective - Indirect; winding.
  • Touting - Verb - Advertising; supporting [tout (v)].
  • Transcendental - Adjective - Supernatural; going beyond normal experience [transcendent (a)].
  • Trilogy - Noun - Set of three (literary works etc.); tetralogy = set of four.
  • Tutelary - Adjective - Serving as a guardian [tutelage (n)].
  • Undercutting - Verb - Offering a lower price; undermining.
  • Undergird - Verb - Support; strengthen.
  • Undermine - Verb - Subvert; attempt to overthrow.
  • Underwrite - Verb - Give guarantee, insure.
  • Untoward - Adjective - Unexpected.
  • Vagary - Noun - Something unaccountable; freak.
  • Venturing - Verb - 1. Hazarding; risking; putting forward; 2. Going somewhere [venturesome means courageous or willing to take risks].
  • Veracious - Adjective - True [veracity (n)].
  • Verbiage - Noun - Excessive or meaningless wordiness.
  • Verisimilar - Adjective - True to life; giving the appearance of reality.
  • Veritable - Adjective - True; genuine [verity (n)].
  • Vicissitude - Noun - Unexpected change in fortune or circumstances.
  • Virtuosity - Noun - Skill, expertise [virtuoso (n); virtuosi (n.pl)].
  • Vitiate - Verb - Weaken; sap energy.
  • Vituperate - Verb - Attack bitterly.
  • Volubility - Noun - Excessive talkativeness [voluble (a)].
  • Vulpine - Adjective - Like a fox [compare with bovine (cow-like); porcine (pig-like), etc.].
  • Waffle - Verb - Talk nonsense.
  • Whittle - Verb - 1. Carve with knife; 2. Reduce step by step.
  • Wry - Adjective - 1. Twisted or bent to one side; 2. Dryly humorous.
  • Xenophobe - Noun - Person afraid of foreigners.

  • Word list

GRE Word List

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Exercises for GRE Sentence

Completion / Equivalence
Reading Comprehension

Complete the sentence with appropriate words meaning from the options given below;

Q.1. The genes in bacterial genomes are usually a single continuous stretch of DNA and although several different types of introns do exist in bacteria, these are much more rare than in __________.

1. Prokaryotes
Wrong answer as the prokaryotes are a group of organisms that lack a cell nucleus (karyon), or any other membrane-bound organelles

2. Eukaryotes
Right answer as a eukaryote is an organism whose cells contain complex structures (nucleus) enclosed within membranes. Eukaryotes may more formally be referred to as the taxon Eukarya or Eukaryota.

3. Organelles
Wrong answer as - an organelle is a specialized subunit within a cell that has a specific function, and is usually separately enclosed within its own lipid bilayer.

4. Amoebae
Wrong answer as:- Amoeba is a genus of Protozoa consisting of shapeless unicellular organisms.

Q.2. The opposite of motility is __________.

1. Substrate
Wrong answer:- as substrate is the surface where a plant or animal lives upon and grows on. A substrate can include biotic or abiotic materials and animals.

2. Glycolysis
Wrong answer:- Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway that converts glucose C6H12O6, into pyruvate, CH3COCOO− + H+. The free energy released in this process is used to form the high-energy compounds ATP (adenosine triphosphate), FADH2 and NADH (reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).

3. Hydrolysis
Wrong answer:- Hydrolysis usually means the rupture of chemical bonds by the addition of water.

4. Sessility
Right answer:- As Motility is a biological term which refers to the ability to move spontaneously and actively, consuming energy in the process & In zoology, sessility is a characteristic of some animals, such that they are not able to move about.like, Sponges have a motile larval stage.

Q.3. Anabolism (from Greek ana, "upward", and ballein, "to throw") is the set of __________ that construct __________ from smaller units.

1. metabolic pathways- molecules
Right answer:- as metabolic pathways are series of chemical reactions occurring within a cell & A molecule is an electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by covalent chemical bonds.

2. organs - tissues
Wrong answer:- as an organ is a collection of tissues joined in a structural unit to serve a common function & Tissue (biology), is a group of biological cells that perform a similar function.

3. Carbohydrates- metabolism
Wrong answer:- A carbohydrate is an organic compound that consists only of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, & Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that happen in the cells of living organisms to sustain life.

4. Anabolic –steroids
Wrong answer:- Anabolism is the set of metabolic pathways that construct molecules from smaller units & A steroid is a type of organic compound that contains a characteristic arrangement of four cycloalkane rings that are joined to each other.

Q.4. Diffraction refers to various phenomena which occur when a wave encounters an __________.

1. Animal
Wrong Answer

2. Aeroplane
Wrong Answer

3. Obstacle.
Right Answer

4. Lens
Wrong Answer

Q.5. A chemical reaction is a __________ of some substances into one or more other substances.

1. Conversion
Wrong Answer

2. Inter-changeable
Wrong Answer

3. Chemical bonding
Wrong Answer

4. Transformation
Right Answer

Q.6. Lycanthropy is __________ .

1. A deadly viral disease
Wrong Answer

2. Getting one murdered
Wrong Answer

3. Playing with dogs
Wrong Answer

4. Feeling like a wolf
Right Answer

Q.7. Microscopy is the technical field of using __________to view samples and objects that cannot be seen with the unaided eye (objects that are not within the resolution range of the normal eye). There are three well-known branches of microscopy: __________, electron, and scanning probe microscopy.

1. Microscopes
Right Answer

2. Microscopic
Wrong Answer

3. Minute
Wrong Answer

4. Small plants
Wrong Answer

1. Optimistry
Wrong Answer

2. Optical
Right Answer

3. Optimism
Wrong Answer

4. Octography
Wrong Answer

Q.8. The __________ also known as the Shoah, was the __________of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, a programme of systematic state-sponsored murder by Nazi Germany.

1. Homicide
Wrong Answer

2. Holocaust
Right Answer

3. Inundation
Wrong Answer

4. Deluge
Wrong Answer

5. genocide
Right Answer

Q.9. Christophany, Satanophany, afflatus, angelophany, apocalypse, apparition, avatar are all just like __________.

1. Xenophany
Wrong Answer

2. Cryptography
Wrong Answer

3. Epiphany
Right Answer

4. Exposition
Wrong Answer

Q.10. His ______________ drew more applause from the audience than the entire play.

1. Epilogue
Right Answer

2. Pretest
Wrong Answer

3. Lecture
Wrong Answer

4. Protest
Wrong Answer

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