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Welcome to word meaning listing with alphabet "C" by www.GREcoaching.com.

    Word - Meanings Alphabetically by GREcoaching.com



 Word Meaning with Alphabet "C"

  • Cabal - Noun - A scheme or plot a group of plotters.
  • Cadge - Verb - To beg to get by begging.
  • Cajole - Verb - Use flattery or deceit to persuade.
  • Calipers - Noun - Metal supports attached to the legs measuring instrument.
  • Calumny - Noun - Slander aspersion.
  • Candid - Adjective - Frank straight-forward.
  • Cant - Noun - Insincere talk/jargon.
  • Cantankerous - Adjective - Bad-tempered/quarrelsome.
  • Canvass - Verb - Discuss thoroughly sort of touting.
  • Castigate - Verb - To chastise correct by punishing.
  • Castigation - Verb - Severe punishment.
  • Catalyst - Noun - Substance that causes speeding up.
  • Caustic - Adjective - Biting sarcastic.
  • Censure - Noun - Expression of blame or disapproval a rebuke.
  • Centurion - Noun - Leader of a unit of 100 soldiers.
  • Chary - Adjective - Cautious wary.
  • Chastened - Verb - Corrected punished.
  • Chastisement - Noun - Punishment.
  • Chauvinist - Noun - A blindly devoted patriot.
  • Chicanery - Noun - Legal trickery/false argument.
  • Chisel - Noun - Steel tool for shaping materials.
  • Churl - Noun - Bad-tempered person.
  • Clamor - Noun - Shout complain with a lot of noise.
  • Clientele - Noun - Customers.
  • Clinch - Verb - Come to grips/settle conclusively.
  • Cling - Verb - To resist separation.
  • Clot - Noun - Half-solid lump formed from liquid.
  • Cloture - Noun - Closing device (in parliament) to end a debate by voting.
  • Coagulation - Verb - Change to a thick and solid state.
  • Coalescing - Verb - Coming together and uniting into one substance.
  • Coax - Verb - Get smb to do smth by kindness.
  • Coda - Noun - Passage that completes a piece of music.
  • Coddle - Verb - Treat with care and tenderness.
  • Coerce - Verb - Compel to force to make obedient.
  • Coeval - Adjective - Of the same period coexisting.
  • Cogent - Adjective - Strong convincing.
  • Cogitate - Verb - Think deeply mediate.
  • Cognizant - Adjective - Being fully aware of.
  • Colander - Noun - Bowl-shaped vessel with many holes used to drain off water.
  • Collusion - Noun - Secret agreement for a deceitful purpose.
  • Combustion - Noun - Process of burning.
  • Commemorate - Verb - Keep the memory of.
  • Commodious - Adjective - Having plenty of space for what is needed.
  • Commuter - Noun - Person who travels regularly.
  • Complaisance - Noun - Tending to comply obliging willingness to please.
  • Compunction - Noun - Feeling of regret for one's action.
  • Conceal - Verb - Hide keep secret.
  • Conceit - Noun - Over-high opinion of too much pride.
  • Conciliatory - Adjective - Reconciling soothing comforting mollifying.
  • Concord - Noun - Agreement or harmony.
  • Concur - Verb - Agree in opinion happen together.
  • Condone - Verb - Forgive.
  • Condense - Verb - Increase in density strength make laconic.
  • Congeal - Verb - Make or become stiff and solid.
  • Conjoin - Verb - To join together.
  • Connoisseur - Noun - A person with good judgement (e.g.. In art).
  • Connotation - Noun - Suggestion in addition to.
  • Consequential - Adjective - Pompous self important.
  • Console - Verb - Give comfort or sympathy to.
  • Conspicuous - Adjective - Easily seen remarkable.
  • Consternation - Noun - Surprise and fear dismay.
  • Constrain - Verb - Compel.
  • Constrict - Verb - Make tight or smaller.
  • Consume - Verb - Get to the end of.
  • Consummate - Adjective - Perfect/make perfect/complete.
  • Contemn - Verb - To scorn or despise.
  • Contentious - Adjective - Argumentative pugnacious combative quarrelsome.
  • Contiguous - Adjective - Touching neighboring near.
  • Contrite - Adjective - Filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing.
  • Contumacious - Adjective - Insubordinate rebellious.
  • Conundrum - Noun - A riddle dilemma enigma.
  • Conviction - Noun - Convincing firm belief.
  • Convoke - Verb - Call together summon.
  • Convoluted - Adjective - Complicated coiled twisted.
  • Cordial - Adjective - Warm and sincere.
  • Cordon - Noun - Line (of police acting as a guard).
  • Cornucopia - Noun - Abundant supply.
  • Corporeal - Adjective - Physical of or for the body.
  • Correlate - Verb - Have a mutual relation.
  • Corroboration - Noun - Additional strengthening evidence.
  • Countenance - Noun - To favor or approve of.
  • Counterfeit - Noun - Forgery.
  • Countervail - Verb - Counterbalance.
  • Courteous - Adjective - Having or shiowing good manners; Polite.
  • Covert - Adjective - Disguised.
  • Covetous - Adjective - Eagerly desirous.
  • Cower - Verb - Crouch shrink back.
  • Coy - Adjective - Shy/modest (esp of a girl).
  • Crass - Adjective - Very great (es. Stupidity).
  • Cravat - Noun - Piece of linen worn as a necktie.
  • Craven - Adjective - Cowardly.
  • Crease - Noun - Line made by crushing white line on the ground in cricket.
  • Credulity - Noun - Too great a readiness to believe things.
  • Credulous - Adjective - Ready to believe things.
  • Crush - Verb - Press lose shape subdue overwhelm.
  • Cryptic - Adjective - Secret with a hidden meaning.
  • Cumbersome - Adjective - Burdensome heavy and awkward to carry.
  • Curmudgeon - Noun - Bad-tempered person.
  • Curriculum - Noun - Course of study.
  • Cursory - Adjective - Quick hurried.
  • Curtail - Verb - Make shorter then was planned.

  • Word list for "C"

Word List Alphabetically

Astute - adjective - of keen penetration or discernment; sagacious: an astute analysis.

Burlesque - Noun - An artistic composition, especially literary or dramatic, that, for the sake of laughter, vulgarizes lofty material or treats ordinary material with mock dignity.

Cloying - Adjective - Overly ingratiating or sentimental.

Demure - Adjective - characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.

Expurgate - Verb - to purge or cleanse of moral offensiveness.

Fawning - Noun - a young deer, especially an unweaned one.

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