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Welcome to word meaning listing with alphabet "F" by www.GREcoaching.com.

    Word - Meanings Alphabetically by GREcoaching.com



 Word Meaning with Alphabet "F"

  • Facetious - Adjective - Humorous funny jocular.
  • Facile - Adjective - Easily done.
  • Fallacious - Adjective - Based on error.
  • Falter - Verb - Waver/move in an uncertain manner.
  • Fatuous - Adjective - Without sense foolish self-satisfaction.
  • Fawn - Noun - Young deer try to win smb's favor.
  • Feckless - Adjective - Lacking purpose or vitality ineffective careless.
  • Fecund - Adjective - Fertile.
  • Feint - Verb - Pretend.
  • Felicitous - Adjective - Apt suitably expressed well chosen apropos.
  • Felon - Noun - Person guilty of murder.
  • Ferment - Verb - Substance become excited.
  • Ferocity - Noun - Savage cruelty.
  • Ferret - Verb - Discover by searching search.
  • Fervid - Adjective - Showing earnest feeling.
  • Fervor - Noun - Warmth of feelings earnestness.
  • Fetid - Adjective - Stinking.
  • Fetter - Noun - To shackle put in chains.
  • Feud - Noun - Bitter quarrel over a long period of time.
  • Fidelity - Noun - Loyalty accuracy.
  • Fidget - Verb - Move restlessly make nervous.
  • Figurehead - Noun - Carved image on the prow of a ship.
  • Finesse - Noun - Delicate way of dealing with a situation.
  • Finical - Adjective - Too fussy about food clothing etc..
  • Finicky - Adjective - Finical.
  • Finite - Adjective - Having bounds or limits; Not infinite; Measurable.
  • Fission - Noun - Splitting or division (esp. Of cells).
  • Fixate - Verb - Stare at.
  • Flak - Noun - Criticism/anti-aircraft guns.
  • Flamboyant - Adjective - Brightly colored florid.
  • Flaunting - Verb - Show off complacently.
  • Flax - Noun - Pale yellow (hair) a plant.
  • Fledged - Adjective - Able to fly trained experienced.
  • Fleet - Noun - Number of ships quick-moving.
  • Flinch - Verb - Draw move back wince.
  • Flop - Verb - Fail/move/fall clumsily.
  • Florid - Adjective - Very much ornamented naturally red (e.g.. Of face).
  • Flout - Verb - Reject mock to go against (as in going against tradition).
  • Fluke - Noun - Lucky stroke.
  • Fluster - Verb - Make nervous or confused.
  • Foible - Noun - Defect of character (a person is wrongly proud).
  • Foil - Verb - Prevent from carrying out contrast.
  • Foment - Verb - Put smth warm (to lessen the pain).
  • Foolproof - Adjective - Incapable of failure or error.
  • Foppish - Adjective - Like a man who pays too much attention to his clothes.
  • Forage - Noun - Food for horses and cattle.
  • Forbear - Verb - Refrain from be patient ancestor.
  • Forbearance - Noun - Patience willingness to wait.
  • Ford - Noun - Shallow place in a river (to cross).
  • Forestall - Verb - Prevent by taking action in advance preempt.
  • Forfeit - Verb - Suffer the loss of smth.
  • Forge - Verb - Workshop for the shaping of metal to shape metal lead.
  • Forgery - Noun - Counterfeit.
  • Forswear - Verb - Renounce disallow repudiate.
  • Foster - Verb - Nurture care for.
  • Fracas - Noun - Noisy quarrel.
  • Fragile - Adjective - Easily injured broken or destroyed.
  • Fragrant - Adjective - Sweet-smelling.
  • Frantic - Adjective - Wildly excited with joy pain anxiety.
  • Frenetic - Adjective - Frantic frenzied.
  • Fret - Verb - Worry irritation wear away.
  • Fringe - Noun - Edge ornamental border part of hair over the forehead.
  • Froward - Adjective - Intractable not willing to yield or comply stubborn.
  • Frugal - Adjective - Careful economical.
  • Fulmination - Noun - Bitter protest.
  • Fulsome - Adjective - Disgusting offensive due to excessiveness.

  • Word list for "F"

Word List Alphabetically

Astute - adjective - of keen penetration or discernment; sagacious: an astute analysis.

Burlesque - Noun - An artistic composition, especially literary or dramatic, that, for the sake of laughter, vulgarizes lofty material or treats ordinary material with mock dignity.

Cloying - Adjective - Overly ingratiating or sentimental.

Demure - Adjective - characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.

Expurgate - Verb - to purge or cleanse of moral offensiveness.

Fawning - Noun - a young deer, especially an unweaned one.

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