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Welcome to word meaning listing with alphabet "R" by www.GREcoaching.com.

    Word - Meanings Alphabetically by GREcoaching.com



 Word Meaning with Alphabet "R"

  • Radial - Adjective - Having spokes, bars, lines, etc., arranged like radii, as a machine.
  • Raucous - Adjective - Harsh; Strident; Grating.
  • Reactionary - Adjective - Of, pertaining to, marked by, or favoring reaction, especially extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change.
  • Reduce - Verb - To lower in degree, intensity, etc.: to reduce the speed of a car.
  • Regal - Adjective - Of or pertaining to a king; royal: the regal power.
  • Repeat - Verb - To say or utter again (something already said): to repeat a word for emphasis.
  • Reprimanded - Noun - A severe reproof or rebuke, especially a formal one by a person in authority.
  • Restive - Adjective - Impatient of control, restraint, or delay, as persons.
  • Restrained - Adjective - Characterized by restraint: the actor gave a restrained performance
  • Round - Adjective - Having a flat, circular surface, as a disk.

Word list for "R"

Word List Alphabetically

Astute - adjective - of keen penetration or discernment; sagacious: an astute analysis.

Burlesque - Noun - An artistic composition, especially literary or dramatic, that, for the sake of laughter, vulgarizes lofty material or treats ordinary material with mock dignity.

Cloying - Adjective - Overly ingratiating or sentimental.

Demure - Adjective - characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.

Expurgate - Verb - to purge or cleanse of moral offensiveness.

Fawning - Noun - a young deer, especially an unweaned one.

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