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Welcome to word meaning listing with alphabet "S" by www.GREcoaching.com.

    Word - Meanings Alphabetically by GREcoaching.com



 Word Meaning with Alphabet "S"

  • Sagacious - Adjective - Having sound judgment perceptive wise like a sage.
  • Salacious - Adjective - Obscene.
  • Salubrious - Adjective - Healthful.
  • Salutary - Adjective - Remedial wholesome causing improvement.
  • Salutation - Noun - Something uttered, written, or done by way of saluting.
  • Sanctification - Verb - To make holy; Consecrate; To purify or free from sin.
  • Sanctimony - Noun - Self-righteousness hypocritical with false piety.
  • Sanction - Noun - Approval (by authority) penalty.
  • Sanguine - Adjective - Cheerful confident optimistic.
  • Sanity - Noun - Health of mind soundness of judgement.
  • Sash - Noun - Long strip worn round the waist.
  • Satiate - Verb - Satisfy fully.
  • Saturnine - Adjective - Gloomy dark sullen morose.
  • Savant - Noun - Person of great learning.
  • Savor - Noun - Taste flavor smth.
  • Sawdust - Noun - Tiny bits of wood.
  • Scabbard - Noun - Sheath for the blade.
  • Scent - Noun - Smell (esp pleasant).
  • Scorch - Verb - Become discolored/dry up/go at high speed.
  • Scribble - Verb - Write hastily.
  • Scurvy - Adjective - Mean contemptible.
  • Secular - Adjective - Material (not spiritual) living outside monasteries.
  • Sedulous - Adjective - Persevering.
  • Seminal - Adjective - Like a seed constituting a source originative.
  • Sententious - Adjective - Short and pithy full of maxims/proverbs.
  • Sequence - Noun - Succession connected line of.
  • Sere - Adjective - Make hard and without feeling.
  • Sermon - Noun - Reproving a person for his faults.
  • Serrated - Adjective - Having a toothed edge.
  • Serration - Noun - Having a toothed edge.
  • Servile - Adjective - Like a slave lacking independence.
  • Sever - Verb - Break off.
  • Severance - Noun - Severing.
  • Shallow - Adjective - Little depth not earnest.
  • Shard - Noun - Piece of broken earthenware.
  • Sheath - Noun - Cover for the blade of a weapon or a tool.
  • Shrewd - Adjective - Astute showing sound judgement.
  • Shrill - Adjective - Sharp piercing.
  • Shun - Verb - Keep away from avoid.
  • Shunt - Verb - Send from one track to another lay aside evade discussion.
  • Sidestep - Verb - Step to one side.
  • Simper - Verb - (give a) silly/self-conscious smile.
  • Sinuous - Adjective - Winding undulating serpentine.
  • Skiff - Noun - Small boat.
  • Skit - Noun - Short piece of humorous writing.
  • Slack - Adjective - Sluggish dull not tight.
  • Slake - Verb - To assuage to satisfy allay.
  • Slate - Noun - King of blue-grey stone propose criticize.
  • Sluggard - Noun - Lazy slow-moving person.
  • Slur - Verb - Join sounds/words (indistinct).
  • Smolder - Verb - Burn slowly without flame.
  • Snare - Noun - Trap.
  • Snub - Verb - Treat with contempt.
  • Soar - Verb - Rise fly high.
  • Sober - Adjective - Self-controlled.
  • Sobriety - Noun - Quality or condition of being sober.
  • Sodden - Adjective - Soaked saturated.
  • Soggy - Adjective - Heavy with water.
  • Solvent - Adjective - Of the power of forming a solution.
  • Somatic - Adjective - Of the body.
  • Soot - Noun - Black powder in smoke.
  • Sophisticated - Adjective - Complex subtle refined.
  • Sophistry - Noun - Fallacious reasoning faulty logic.
  • Sophomoric - Adjective - Self-assured though immature affected bombastic overblown.
  • Sordid - Adjective - Wretched comfortless contemptible.
  • Soporific - Adjective - Producing sleep.
  • Sound - Verb - To convey a certain impression when heard or read.
  • Spear - Noun - Weapon with a metal point on a long shaft.
  • Specious - Adjective - Illogical of questionable truth or merit.
  • Splenetic - Adjective - Bad-tempered irritable.
  • Splice - Noun - Join (two ends).
  • Sponge - Verb - Porous rubber for washing live at once expense.
  • Spurious - Adjective - False counterfeit.
  • Spurn - Verb - Have nothing to do reject or refuse.
  • Squalid - Adjective - Foul filthy.
  • Squander - Verb - Spend wastefully.
  • Squat - Verb - Crouch/settle without permission.
  • Stanch - Verb - To stop the flow of a fluid.
  • Steeply - Adjective - Rising or falling sharply.
  • Stentorian - Adjective - Extremely loud and powerful.
  • Stickler - Noun - Person who insists on importance of smth.
  • Stigma - Noun - Mark of shame or disgrace.
  • Stigmatize - Verb - Describe smb scornfully.
  • Sting - Verb - Smth sharp.
  • Stingy - Adjective - Spending using unwillingly.
  • Stint - Verb - To be thrifty to set limits.
  • Stipple - Verb - Paint with dots.
  • Stipulate - Verb - State or put forward as a necessary condition.
  • Stolid - Adjective - Showing no emotion impassive.
  • Stray - Verb - Wander lose one's way.
  • Streak - Noun - Long thin move very fast.
  • Striated - Adjective - Striped grooved or banded.
  • Stride - Verb - Walk with long steps.
  • Strut - Verb - A supporting bar.
  • Stygian - Adjective - Hence dark gloomy.
  • Stymie - Verb - To hinder obstruct or block.
  • Subdue - Verb - Overcome bring under control.
  • Sublime - Adjective - Extreme astounding.
  • Subliminal - Adjective - Existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness.
  • Submerge - Verb - Put under water liquid sink out of sight.
  • Suborn - Verb - Induce by bribery or smth to commit perjury.
  • Subpoena - Noun - Written order requiring a person to appear in a low court.
  • Substantiation - Verb - Giving facts to support (statement).
  • Subsume - Verb - Include under a rule.
  • Succor - Noun - Assistance relief in time of distress.
  • Suffice - Verb - Be enough.
  • Suffocate - Verb - Cause or have difficulty in breathing.
  • Sullied - Verb - To be stained or discredited.
  • Summarily - Adverb - Briefly without delay.
  • Sumptuous - Adjective - Magnificent.
  • Sundry - Adjective - Various miscellaneous separate.
  • Supercilious - Adjective - Disdainful characterized by haughty scorn.
  • Superfluous - Adjective - More then is needed or wanted.
  • Superimpose - Verb - Put smth on the top.
  • Supersede - Verb - Take the place of.
  • Supine - Adjective - Lying on the back slow to act passive.
  • Suppliant - Noun - Asking humbly beseeching.
  • Supplicate - Verb - Make a humble petition to.
  • Suppress - Verb - Prevent from being known put an end to.
  • Surcharge - Noun - Additional load/charge.
  • Surfeit - Verb - Satiate feed to fulness or to excess.
  • Susceptibility - Noun - Sensitiveness.
  • Swerve - Verb - Change direction suddenly.
  • Sycophant - Noun - Person who flatter to the rich and powerful.
  • Synopsis - Noun - Summary or outline.

  • Word list for "S"

Word List Alphabetically

Astute - adjective - of keen penetration or discernment; sagacious: an astute analysis.

Burlesque - Noun - An artistic composition, especially literary or dramatic, that, for the sake of laughter, vulgarizes lofty material or treats ordinary material with mock dignity.

Cloying - Adjective - Overly ingratiating or sentimental.

Demure - Adjective - characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.

Expurgate - Verb - to purge or cleanse of moral offensiveness.

Fawning - Noun - a young deer, especially an unweaned one.

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