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TEA-The English Academy

Welcome to word meaning listing with alphabet "V" by www.GREcoaching.com.

    Word - Meanings Alphabetically by GREcoaching.com



 Word Meaning with Alphabet "V"

  • Vacillation - Noun - Being uncertain hesitating.
  • Vagary - Noun - Strange act or idea.
  • Vain - Adjective - Without use result conceited.
  • Valiant - Adjective - Brave.
  • Valorous - Adjective - Brave.
  • Vanquish - Verb - Conquer.
  • Variegated - Adjective - Veried in appearance or color; Marked with patches or spots of different colors.
  • Veer - Verb - Change direction.
  • Venal - Adjective - Ready to do smth dishonest.
  • Veneer - Verb - Surface appearance covering the true nature.
  • Veneration - Noun - Regard with deep respect.
  • Veracity - Noun - Truth.
  • Verdant - Adjective - Fresh and green.
  • Verisimilitude - Noun - Appearing true or real.
  • Veritable - Adjective - Real rightly named.
  • Verve - Noun - Spirit vigor enthusiasm.
  • Vestige - Noun - Trace or sign.
  • Vex - Verb - Annoy distress trouble.
  • Vigilant - Adjective - Member of a vigilance committee.
  • Vigilance - Noun - Watchfulness self-appointed group who maintain order.
  • Vigorous - Adjective - Strong energetic.
  • Vilify - Verb - Slander say evil things.
  • Vindictive - Adjective - Having a desire to revenge.
  • Virago - Noun - A loud domineering woman a scold or nag.
  • Visceral - Adjective - Of the internal organs of the body.
  • Viscous - Adjective - Sticky/semi-fluid.
  • Vitiate - Verb - Lower the quality weaken the strength.
  • Vituperate - Verb - Curse abuse in words.
  • Vivacious - Adjective - Lively high-spirited.
  • Volatile - Adjective - Changeable inconstant fickle unstable explosive.
  • Volubility - Adjective - Fluency verbosity easy use of spoken language.
  • Voluble - Adjective - Fluent.

  • Word list for "V"

Word List Alphabetically

Astute - adjective - of keen penetration or discernment; sagacious: an astute analysis.

Burlesque - Noun - An artistic composition, especially literary or dramatic, that, for the sake of laughter, vulgarizes lofty material or treats ordinary material with mock dignity.

Cloying - Adjective - Overly ingratiating or sentimental.

Demure - Adjective - characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.

Expurgate - Verb - to purge or cleanse of moral offensiveness.

Fawning - Noun - a young deer, especially an unweaned one.

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