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Welcome to word meaning listing with alphabet "S" by www.GREcoaching.com.

    Word - Meanings Alphabetically by GREcoaching.com



 Word Meaning with Alphabet "S"

  • Secrete - Verb - To discharge, generate, or release by the process of secretion.
  • Shallow - Adjective - Of little depth; not deep: shallow water.
  • Shiny - Adjective - Bright or glossy in appearance.
  • Simpering - Verb - To smile in a silly, self-conscious way.
  • Sincere - Adjective - Free of deceit, hypocrisy, or falseness; earnest: a sincere apology.
  • Singular - Adjective - Being the only one of its kind; distinctive; unique: a singular example.
  • Slander - Noun - Defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander.
  • Slanderous - Noun - A malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report.
  • Sloping - Verb - To move at an inclination or obliquely: they sloped gradually westward.
  • Smooth - Adjective - Free from projections or unevenness of surface; not rough: smooth wood; a smooth road.
  • Soft - Adjective - Yielding readily to touch or pressure; easily penetrated, divided, or changed in shape; not hard or stiff: a soft pillow.
  • Sporadic - Adjective - Isolated, as a single instance of something; being or occurring apart from others.
  • Staunch - Adjective - Firm or steadfast in principle, adherence, loyalty, etc., as a person: a staunch republican; a staunch friend.
  • Stellar - Adjective - Of or pertaining to the stars; Consisting of stars.
  • Stone - Noun - The hard substance, formed of mineral matter, of which rocks consist.
  • Straightforward - Adjective - Going or directed straight  ahead.
  • Stress - Noun - Prosody . Accent or emphasis on syllables in a metrical pattern; beat.
  • Strike - Verb - To deal a blow or stroke to (a person or thing), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer; hit.
  • Stringent - Adjective - Rigorously binding or exacting; strict; severe: stringent laws.
  • Stubborn - Adjective - Difficult to manage or suppress:.
  • Stupendous - Adjective - Causing amazement; Astounding; Marvelous.
  • Suitable - Adjective - Such as to suit; appropriate; fitting; becoming.
  • Sumptuous - Adjective - Luxuriously fine or large; Lavish; Splendid.

Word list for "S"

Word List Alphabetically

Astute - adjective - of keen penetration or discernment; sagacious: an astute analysis.

Burlesque - Noun - An artistic composition, especially literary or dramatic, that, for the sake of laughter, vulgarizes lofty material or treats ordinary material with mock dignity.

Cloying - Adjective - Overly ingratiating or sentimental.

Demure - Adjective - characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.

Expurgate - Verb - to purge or cleanse of moral offensiveness.

Fawning - Noun - a young deer, especially an unweaned one.

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