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TEA-The English Academy

Welcome to word meaning listing with alphabet "S" by www.GREcoaching.com.

    Word - Meanings Alphabetically by GREcoaching.com



 Word Meaning with Alphabet "S"

  • Speculative - Adjective - Pertaining to, of the nature of, or characterized by speculation, contemplation, conjecture, or abstract reasoning.
  • Suppositions - Noun - Something that is supposed; assumption; hypothesis.
  • Simile - Noun - An instance of such a figure of speech or a use of words exemplifying it.
  • Shrewd - Adjective - Astute or sharp in practical matters.
  • Sclerite - Noun - Any chitinous, calcareous, or similar hard part, plate, spicule, or the like.
  • Solemn - Adjective - Grave, sober, or mirthless, as a person, the face, speech, tone, or mood.
  • Sarcasm - Noun - Harsh or bitter derision or irony.
  • Solely - Adverb - As the only one or ones.
  • Subsequent - Adjective - Following in order or succession; succeeding: a subsequent section in a treaty.
  • Sarcastic - Adjective - Of, pertaining to, or characterized by sarcasm.
  • Surmised - Verb - To think or infer without certain or strong evidence; conjecture; guess.
  • Squirting - Verb - To eject a spurt of liquid.
  • Sacrificing - Noun - The offering of animal, plant, or human life or of some material possession to a deity, as in propitiation or homage.
  • Sparsely - Adjective - Thinly scattered or distributed.
  • Skeptical - Adjective - Inclined to skepticism; having doubt.
  • Synthesis - Noun - A complex whole formed by combining.
  • Soaring - Noun - The sport of flying a sailplane.
  • Swarmed - Noun - A body of honeybees that emigrate from a hive and fly off together, accompanied by a queen, to start a new colony.
  • Staggering - Adjective - Tending to stagger or overwhelm.
  • Susceptible - Adjective - Admitting or capable of some specified treatment.
  • Stimulate - Verb - To invigorate (a person) by a food or beverage containing a stimulant, as coffee, tea, or alcoholic liquor.
  • Snooping - Noun - An act or instance of snooping.
  • Stigma - Noun - A mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one's reputation.
  • Stipulations - Noun - A condition, demand, or promise in an agreement or contract.
  • Submissive - Adjective - Inclined or ready to submit; unresistingly or humbly obedient.
  • Slaughtered - Noun - The killing or butchering of cattle, sheep, etc., especially for food.
  • Starving - Verb - To die or perish from lack of food or nourishment.
  • Sensationalism - Noun - The use of or interest in this subject matter, language, or style.
  • Scoured - Verb - To remove dirt, grease, etc., from or to cleanse or polish by hard rubbing, as with a rough or abrasive material.
  • Spurious - Adjective - Not genuine, authentic, or true; not from the claimed, pretended, or proper source; counterfeit.
  • Significance - Noun - Importance; consequence.
  • Specific - Adjective - Specified, precise, or particular.
  • Simplicity - Noun - The state, quality, or an instance of being simple.
  • Satisfaction - Noun - An act of satisfying; fulfillment; gratification.
  • Success- Noun - The favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
  • Susceptibility - Noun - State or character of being susceptible.

Word list for "S"

Word List Alphabetically

Astute - adjective - of keen penetration or discernment; sagacious: an astute analysis.

Burlesque - Noun - An artistic composition, especially literary or dramatic, that, for the sake of laughter, vulgarizes lofty material or treats ordinary material with mock dignity.

Cloying - Adjective - Overly ingratiating or sentimental.

Demure - Adjective - characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.

Expurgate - Verb - to purge or cleanse of moral offensiveness.

Fawning - Noun - a young deer, especially an unweaned one.

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